Friday, February 24, 2012

Bђњsilent epidemic.


steoporosis NOT

happens when you first development of the disease. For this reason it is called

, BЂњsilent epidemic. BЂ "He creeps up to you

, until one day you have a fracture or broken bone. But over time, you begin to see

different symptoms of osteoporosis. These include:

eight million American women lasix prescritpion and American men 2000000

condition. As many as 50 percent of women will develop the disease

in my life. Caucasians and Asians more

likely to develop osteoporosis than people of other races, but

affects all. Post menopausal women are the ones most at risk >>. << Osteoporosis occurs when bone mass decreases. This

Results in the bones are more prone to fractures. Bone

permanently destroyed and absorbed by cells that are

osteoclasts and then rebuilt other cells called osteoblasts

. With age, bones more than absorbed

replaced. One of the first symptoms of osteoporosis are back pain. Many patients >> << ignore it or mix it with the onset of arthritis. But if you are experiencing back pain, ask your doctor or

check bone density is justified. You will often see people with osteoporosis, which is >> << losing altitude and fell posture. Some people with symptoms of osteoporosis

lose height and become stooped with a bent back

called hump widow. This is because the bones

spine, vertebrae, gradually fold in a >> << and become compressed. When it occurs, is called compression or crush >> << fracture.

anabolic window
People with osteoporosis may damage the operation of other bones

especially hip and wrist. Hips and wrist often

occurs when a person falls from osteoporosis. Broken hips

especially seriously because it can lead to loss of independence. It could also lead to loss of function and serious and even

life-threatening problems. Compression fractures in the spine can lead to serious back pain

. Typically, this is due to crush fractures. Very often, osteoporosis becomes evident, the most dramatic way:

bone breaks. This may include the vertebrae, hip, forearm, or >> << bone site. These fractures result arenBЂ ™ t jump

buildings they follow relatively minor trauma such as bending

more climbing, jumping or falling from a position

standing. However, it should be noted that all fractures in people with osteoporosis

seriously. This is because the bones are less dense

tend to heal slowly, and sometimes completely. Also, if osteoporosis patients break a bone, they

usually disrupt the work of other bones. If you suspect you have symptoms of osteoporosis, contact

, doctor. While there is no cure, there are

procedures, including changes in diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and medication.

Your doctor will likely want to get a bone density scan. Even if you do not have full blown osteoporosis, it will give you

basis for monitoring in the future. DonBЂ ™ t wait. Get your symptoms checked osteoporosis right

left. .

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