Friday, February 24, 2012

Simply put, we are now and will continue

For the past 19 seasons flu months of heavy flu activity (peak months) were divided as follows: 4 December, the January 5 year, 7 February, and March in 3 years. Last year, April was the heaviest flu activity. If you add April this list, we are faced with 150 days in some of the most infectious viral and bacterial pathogens known to man. Currently, there are many discussions about a possible avian influenza pandemic. No one knows if it will happen or not, but of course it's a good idea to be prepared. If this happens, the vaccine will certainly be small, will be the first to meet certain criteria. Catching the flu in this or any flu season is not your only concern ... Why? Since the majority of influenza-like illness (80%) actually caused by non-influenza viruses. In addition, there are many nasty bacterial and fungal pathogens floating around too ... not to mention the potential bioterrorism attacks.anabolic extreme retain World we live in today truly dangerous. According to WebMD: William Hennen, the doctor said the following:.

"Simply put, we are now and will continue to be more susceptible to our health challanges

However, nature has already provided the immune system. as our defense to microbes found in the environment "

Richard Bennett, Doctor said:

". influenza epidemic is just one of a number of new emerging diseases Our best and

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Researchers have shown that a healthy diet and exercise are important factors in maintaining a strong immune system. In addition, studies have shown that good addition not only strengthens our immune response, but also increases the effectiveness of vaccines ... so help yourself and your family by adopting the most complete immune system

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